Body Braille
Memorize and integrate position of the 6 dots on a braille cell. Explore body image and pretend you are a braille cell.
Let's play!
Pick a brick from the bowl and place it on the base plate.
Feel the dots on the brick.
Show on your body all the dots you found on the brick. For example, if you pick letter “C” show your right shoulder (dot 1) and your left shoulder (dot 4).
How to prepare
1 base plate
4 bricks (“A”, “B”, “C”, “K”)
1 bowl
Place the bricks in the bowl.
Imagine that your body is a braille cell: dot 1 = right shoulder, dot 2 = right hip, dot 3 = right knee, dot 4 = left shoulder, dot 5 = left hip, dot 6 = left knee.
Facilitation tips
Make some preliminary exercises:
- Show me your dot 2, dot 4, dot 1 and 2! …
- Which braille dot is your left knee?
Suggest lying down on the floor to visualize own body is like a LEGO Braille brick on a base plate.
Propose the child to put the brick on own chest and feel the studs on it before showing the different parts corresponding to the studs on own body.
Possible variations
Do the activity with a doll, a tactile drawing, someone else…
Repeat the activity with other braille characters.
Download & print
Children will develop these holistic skills
creative skills
- Describe an organization produced or observed
physical skills
- Develop motor skills and build body language
social skills
- Listen and respond appropriately to adults and peers
cognitive skills
- Relate dot number 1 through 6 with finger and braille key positions to write with a braille typewriter or computer
emotional skills
- Follow courteous behavior
Did you know?
Using one's body in learning helps to better integrate concepts, especially those related to space.
Physical skills means being physically active, understanding movement and space through practicing sensory-motor skills, developing spatial understanding and nurturing and active and healthy body.
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Pre-braille activity groups
LEGO® Braille Bricks activities: MANIPULATION
Discover and get used to the bricks, learn how to handle, assemble and put them on the base plate.
LEGO® Braille Bricks activities: ORIENTATION
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LEGO® Braille Bricks activities: CONSTELLATION
Discover the braille cell and how studs are arranged in two columns. Learn how to differentiate the studs.
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Pre-braille activities
Braille activities