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Have fun written in Braille

Word Scramble

20 min2 participants

Increase vocabulary. Create combinations of letters to make words. Communicate, discuss and compare creations.

Let's play!

  1. Player 1 : Think of a word and find the letters for your word.

  2. Player 1 : Mix them up in your hand and give them to player 2.

  3. Player 2 : Read the letters.

  4.  Player 2 : Make a word using all the letters.

  5. Player 2 : Write word on your base plate.

  6. Both players  : Compare and discuss your words.

How to prepare

  • 1 base plate

  • All the letter bricks

Place the bricks and the base plate between the players.

Facilitation tips

  • Clues about the word may be helpful: definition, placement of letters …

  • Ask “Imagine a story about your word. Think of other words for your story”

  • Additional letters can be pre-arranged in alphabetical order on an additional base plate. Could be a warm-up activity!

Possible variations

  • Designate a specific number of or mandatory letters to be used.

  • Change the number of players.

Download & print

  • Download in .docx

Children will develop these holistic skills

creative skills

  • Perform operations on letters and word syllables: remove, add, reverse, locate, substitute

emotional skills

  • Express emotions and feelings in a socially acceptable way
  • Solicit information/assistance from appropriate persons in various settings

social skills

  • Participate in discussions, presentations, performances, role play, improvisations and debates: Gradually use appropriate vocabulary and/or ratings to describe a situation, present an argument

cognitive skills

  • Develop tactile exploration

Did you know?

  • Children learn more when they are actively engaged as opposed to passive, when activities are meaningful to them and when they learn together with others.

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