Simple handling exercise learning to remove bricks from a base plate; understanding rules and following directions.
Let's play!
Explore the base plate.
Remove the bricks from the base plate and place them in the bowl.
How to prepare
1 base plate
8 random bricks
Place the 8 vertical bricks in a horizontal line, on the base plate, beginning in the top left corner. Leave 2 spaces between each brick.
Facilitation tips
Ask “How can we make this activity more fun?”.
Ask “Can you explain to me how you managed to remove the bricks?”.
Ask “How can you be sure there are no more bricks left?”.
Possible variations
Change the size of base plate.
Place the bricks randomly all over the base plate.
Change the number of bricks.
Remove the first brick with the right hand, the second with the left hand…
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Children will develop these holistic skills
creative skills
- Spontaneously engage in free and then guided exploration of different tools and different media
physical skills
- Discover the “spatial organisation of a page”: Take reference points in the page
- Discover the “spatial organisation of a page”: Find way around a page (go from left to right and maintain alignment)
- Discover the “spatial organisation of a page”: Use appropriate vocabulary : top and bottom, left and right ...
- Develop grasp and release
emotional skills
- Understand rules
Did you know?
Getting into the habit of exploring the base plate from left to right, and from top to bottom, facilitates the acquisition of reading and writing directions.
For young children to progress, early learning practices need to meet them where they are and challenge them to go further.
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Pre-braille activity groups
LEGO® Braille Bricks activities: MANIPULATION
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