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Putting Numbers in Their Place

10 min2 participants

Recognize place value of digits in a series of numbers. Sort digits into correct columnar placement on a base plate.

Let's play!

  1. Player 1: Think of a 3-digit number on your baseplate. Don’t tell it!

  2. Player 1: Give indications such as the number of tens is …, the one for hundreds is … and the one for ones is

  3. Player 2: Place correctly each relevant brick at the correct position on the base plate

  4. Player. 2: Read the 3-digit number

  5. Both players: Compare your numbers

How to prepare

  • 1 base plate

  • Classic LEGO bricks

  • All number bricks

  • 3 letter bricks: “O”, “T”, “H”

  • 1 number sign brick

  • 1 bowl

Use the classic bricks to build a grid dividing the base plate into 3 columns (ones, tens, hundreds). Place all the number bricks in the bowl.

Facilitation tips

  • Explain “Number sign brick placed once on the top left corner of the baseplate indicates all bricks are numbers.”

  • Explain numerical values of each column; i.e. left column equals hundreds…

  • Ask “How can you perform the activity without physically drawing the columns?”

Possible variations

  • Increase the number of columns to work on millions, thousands…

  • Use the same activity to perform math operations on three- to six-digit numbers.

Download & print

  • Download in .docx

Children will develop these holistic skills

cognitive skills

  • Use numbers to show a rank, a position: Recognize the place value of each digit in a four-digit number (thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones)

creative skills

  • Put into words procedures in peer-to-peer exchanges

emotional skills

  • Follow courteous behavior: Give compliments to others

physical skills

  • Organize: find objects in their usual place; return them to their usual place; sort or categorize by placement, function, attribute; gather materials for a task

social skills

  • Articulate and justify answers, arguments and opinions: Ask relevant questions to extend understanding and knowledge

Did you know?

  • Physical play is linked to spatial skills and mathematics.

  • The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) reflect the growing consensus among education experts of the need for education to be of high quality and to foster learner’s holistic development.

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